When you get into a car accident, there are likely many thoughts running through your mind. From the initial fear to going over the logistics of fixing your vehicle and dealing with insurance, there are so many pieces to consider. We at Sherwood Kia have put together a comprehensive guide to navigating the aftermath of a collision. And we, along with Londonderry Collision, are here to get you back on the road afterward. Accidents are scary, but know that you are not alone.
Right after an accident, it may be difficult not to panic. But if possible, try to remain calm, keeping yourself and others safe. Get out of the vehicle if possible, but if not, turn on your hazard lights. Make sure to call 911 as soon as you can, especially if someone is injured. After ensuring that everyone is safe and okay, exchange information with any other drivers involved in the collision. Gather names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance information. Take any photos of the accident for records, and call your insurance company to get a claim started so that you can get the necessary auto service done as soon as possible.
There are some common mistakes that drivers make after accidents, so you should make sure you do not make said mistakes. Do not move anyone who is injured before medical assistance has arrived and assessed the patient. Do not ever leave the scene of the accident. Do not accept any direct payment from the at-fault driver as compensation; always go through insurance companies. And never get your vehicle repaired without an insurance claim and evaluation. As long as you stay calm and follow these dos and don’ts, everything should run smoothly.
Once your insurance company has made their assessment, you will need to work with a collision center to have any necessary repairs made. If you are looking for professionals to repair your vehicle near Edmonton, then we are here for you. From large repairs to fender benders and minor dents, we can do it all. And when you get the work done with us, we will make sure to check every part of the vehicle, rather than just the pieces that have obvious damage. Plus, you can apply for an auto repair loan to help balance the out-of-pocket cost. In all, we are dedicated to getting your vehicle safe and back on the road in a hassle-free, simple manner.
If you have been in an accident, make sure to remain calm and follow the steps provided above. And once the scene has been cleaned up, we will get your vehicle back in tip top shape. Contact us with any questions about getting your vehicle repaired or to schedule an appointment. We look forward to assisting you!
To get your car in for an estimate, use the booking tool below or call 780-456-4345.